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MNBC decides Monthly Director Reports will no longer be posted

(January 25, 2023) The Board of Directors of Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) has decided to end the posting of monthly reports from Directors on the MNBC website. No reason was given by the Board for the November decision but all monthly reports, including the ones that had been posted since the start disappeared almost overnight from the website. The reports provided MNBC citizens with information on what directors had done each month, including meetings and travel, and some even referenced upcoming issues and challenges, but none of that is on the website any longer. So how will MNBC citizens know what their Board directors are doing to earn their very generous annual salaries which they increased by as much as 36% effective last October? Good question.

Board meeting minutes are also more difficult to find on the new MNBC website. Instead of posting them in an easy to find spot, the minutes have been stuck under the strange heading called “Board Resources” which is found under “Leadership”, which is found after several clicks. In the interests of accountability and transparency, one would think that the minutes of each Board meeting would be posted prominently so that every MNBC citizen can easily find them if they’re wanting to know what decisions are being made by the Board. So why does a citizen have to go drilling down through the website to find them? Another good question.

And what ever happened to live-streaming of Board meetings? Following the Board’s removal of former President Clara Morin Dal Col who supported live-streaming of Board meetings, the remaining Board members on January 22, 2021 voted to postpone live-streaming until June 2021. Live-streaming of Board meetings has never proceeded. Why not?

BC Métis leader Morin Dal Col said, “Openness and transparency are key elements of good governance today so why is this Board not maximizing those practices. Directors should be required to post monthly reports on the website so that citizens can find out what the Directors are doing each month to earn their salaries, and live-streaming of Board meetings would provide Citizens with a front-row seat on Board decision-making. It’s called being accountable.”


For further information:

Contact Clara Morin Dal Col

BC Métis Leader



Tawnishii keya ?

After reading this email I'm became down right furious! There is a lot of money flowing into the Metis coffers, Canada wide and very little of it actually seems to reach the grass roots level. 36% pay increase is criminal!!! Who gets a salary increase of that much in any occupation? Perhaps I haven't got all the facts so being well informed is crucial via a variety of means. Methods of communication has never been so good. There is no excuse. Even as a Metis senior I have access to a computer and short of that regular news letters via snail mail appeals to me and many of our elderly community members (especially the ones wh…


Doug Moran
Doug Moran
Jan 26, 2023

Howdy from Tobacco Plains!!


Sandi Banfield
Sandi Banfield
Jan 25, 2023

no transparency !!!!!

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