(March 7, 2022) It appears that Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) is in possible breach of the Métis Nation Governing Assembly Act for failing to provide a report on the expenditures and remuneration of Board members and of the Chief Executive Officer that is required to be provided to the Métis Nation Governing Assembly (MNGA). The MNGA was held this past weekend, and no report was presented.
The Métis Nation Governing Assembly Act requires the presentation of an “Expenditures Report” at each MNGA. Article 9.2.1 states (in part) that, ‘An interim Expenditure Report for the period between April 1st and December 31st of the current fiscal year shall be given, which shall contain all spending by MNBC elected members and the Executive Director/CEO including but not limited to: remuneration, travel costs, accommodation costs, per diems, honoraria, legal and professional fees, consultant and contractor fees and reimbursed expenses.’
BC Métis Leader Clara Morin Dal Col said today, “Why would MNBC have not yet posted the report given that it is a requirement of the MNGA Act that it be presented, and given that this Board claims to be accountable and transparent?” She said, “When the current Treasurer of MNBC – Patrick Harriott was the President of a Métis community he argued at an MNGA meeting how critical it was to have such a report filed at each MNGA meeting because of the importance of accountability and transparency, but yet he and the Board have not posted any copy of the report.”
Ms. Morin Dal Col said, “So why hasn’t the report been posted so that all MNBC Citizens have the opportunity to see how much the Board of this non-profit organization, is paying themselves, the CEO, consultants and contractors?” She added, “The Treasurer reports that MNBC received $40 million in funding between April 1 and December 31, 2021. So why can’t he tell us what the expenditures were for the Board and others up to December 31?”
“Failure to submit the report is a breach of the MNGA Act, so who will hold them accountable,” asked the BC Métis Leader.
For further information:
Contact Clara Morin Dal Col
BC Métis Leader
Email: cmdalcol@gmail.com