(August 30, 2021) How much do Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) Board members pay themselves? Is it $100,000 or more? Board members had been seeking an increase in their salaries since their first Board meeting in October 2020 and were critical of the former President – Clara Morin Dal Col when she pushed back on their demands. The Board has been very secretive about Board salaries since they suspended Ms. Morin Dal Col in January and subsequently removed her earlier this month.
BC Métis Nation Leader Clara Morin Dal Col says every MNBC Citizen has a right to ask the question about Board remuneration. Before she was suspended, Ms. Morin Dal Col says the MNBC Vice President Lissa Smith showed her a comparison to Métis Nation Saskatchewan (MNS) salaries. So one has to ask is this what this Board approved for themselves? It is believed that MNS Board member base salaries are at $100,000 plus an additional $50,000 for each portfolio holder. Ms. Morin Dal Col says if MNBC Board members are now getting $150,000 for their positions which are only part-time jobs, it is hugely excessive and a terrible waste of the citizens’ money.
Ms. Morin Dal Col says MNBC Citizens have a right to know what individual Board salaries and other remuneration amounts have been set at. She asks:
· What are the current base salaries of MNBC Board members?
· When was the decision made to increase salaries?
· Was the decision retro-active to when they were sworn in back in October 2020?
· How much extra are Board members paid as portfolio holders?
· How much extra are Board members paid as Committee members?
The BC Métis Nation Leader says she strongly disagrees with MNBC Board members paying themselves more money above base salaries for holding a portfolio and for committee appointments. Ms. Morin Dal Col says Board members should be there to make a difference for Métis people, not to make a difference for their own remuneration.
For further information:
Contact President Clara Morin Dal Col
Email: cmdalcol@gmail.com