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Link in MNBC Facebook Post is Inappropriate Political Self-Promotion

(January 21, 2024) A link in a post earlier this month on Métis Nation British Columbia’s (MNBC) Facebook page inappropriately promotes a member of the current MNBC Board in his plans to seek a higher office in the Association. In a post on January 11th regarding a child care spaces announcement, the MNBC director for Region 2 is referenced by name followed by “for VP Métis Nation BC”. If you follow the link, it takes the reader directly to his own personal Facebook page which is headlined with his name followed by “…for VP Métis Nation BC”.


While using such a political self-promotion link on the Association’s publically funded and administered social media page is not prohibited under any existing MNBC legislation, it is inappropriate and ethically wrong. If MNBC was a government as they claim to be, legislation prohibiting such use of social media should have been put in place. At a minimum, a policy should have been developed preventing such use. Neither the provincial nor federal governments would allow such a blatant political link in the course of making a government announcement.


Former MNBC President Clara Morin Dal Col who is seeking the MNBC Presidency in the election later this year said, “It is simply wrong to be using MNBC’s Facebook page for such self-promotion, and the link should never have been included in the post. It should be removed immediately.”


Ms. Morin Dal Col added, “MNBC resources should be used for MNBC Citizens. They should not be used to campaign for the next election.”




For further information:

Contact Clara Morin Dal Col

Candidate for MNBC Presidency



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