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Believe It or Not – MNBC Votes Against Push to Have Métis Claims Dealt With

(December 12, 2022) It falls into the category of Believe It or Not as the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) delegates at the Métis National Council General Assembly (MNC-GA) in Vancouver all voted against a resolution to push the federal government to deal with outstanding Métis claims.

The resolution put forward by a delegate from another member organization of MNC was the last one to be considered by the 40 delegates from the various provincial organizations attending the two day General Assembly in late October. It drew attention to the issue of the federal government failing to live up to its “Constitutional obligations” to the Métis Nation regarding historic claims and grievances, and directed the MNC to open a dialogue with Canada on the creation of a federal Métis Claims process and that the Métis National Council Rights Panel be directed to coordinate Governing members on a unified approach to advocate for a Federal Métis Claims process.

The lead delegate for the 5-member MNBC delegation to the Assembly was the Vice President (in the absence of the President) who first tried to have the resolution tabled siting the reasons that it was late in the day and people had travel obligations. That attempt fell flat, with most of the other 35 delegates voting against tabling and discussion proceeded.

When it came to his turn to speak, the Vice President told the meeting that, “I’m speaking against this resolution. The scope of this resolution is too broad for us at this time to support it… “ claiming that the situation in BC is different and then he went on to reference how it might hinder the relationship with First Nation communities and the relationship with “our First Nation brothers and sisters here in BC”. When it came time for the vote, only the MNBC Vice President, and the other 4 MNBC delegates including the Board Directors from Regions 1, 4 and 6, and the Provincial Youth Chair voted against it. Everyone else in the Assembly voted for it.

BC Métis Leader and former MNBC President Clara Morin Dal Col said, “We have been urging the federal government for years to begin addressing our historic claims and grievances, and when I signed the Canada-Métis Nation Accord in April 2017 on behalf of Métis people it was always seen as the first significant step in dealing with the claims of Métis people.”

“This resolution was so basic and fundamental to addressing Métis rights and grievances that have been outstanding for more than 150 years,” said Ms. Morin Dal Col adding that “there has been a federal Claims process in place for years for First Nations to be able to address outstanding claims, but nothing for the Métis.”

She said, “Quite frankly it is a head shaker that the MNBC Vice President who happens to be MNBC’s current portfolio holder for ‘Métis Rights’ and his 4 colleagues, one of whom is the current ‘Associate Minister for Métis Rights’, would all vote against this resolution that is so fundamental to addressing our Section 35 rights. Shame on them.”

Ms. Morin Dal Col said, “I’m glad the resolution passed despite the votes of these 5 individuals.”


For further information:

Contact Clara Morin Dal Col

BC Métis Leader


1 Comment

Crying 😭 shame!!

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