(August 20, 2021) BC Métis Nation Leader Clara Morin Dal Col called today’s decision of the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) Board of Directors to remove her as President “shameful and disgraceful.” Ms. Morin Dal Col said, “The Group of Nine on the Board could never accept the fact that I won re-election as MNBC President in a province-wide democratic election for President last September, and they spent every waking minute trying to figure out how to get rid of me.”
“Their action today began back in January of this year less than four months after I was duly elected by Métis Citizens in British Columbia to be their President for another four years,” said Ms. Morin Dal Col. She said, “They did not like my position at the national level regarding Métis Nation Ontario and my fervent view that only true Métis should be able to be part of the Métis Nation. They also didn’t like my opposition to their high salary demands.”
Two months after Ms. Morin Dal Col was suspended in her role as MNBC President, the Board in March 2021 had their legal counsel hire an investigator to look into various allegations made by members of the Group Nine and a small number of others against the President. According to Board policy such an investigation should have been done before any suspension took place.
The Board claims its removal of the President was based on the findings of the investigator. Ms. Morin Dal Col refused to participate in the investigation because “I felt it was simply a witch hunt to ultimately satisfy the Group of Nine’s none stop efforts to try and bring me down”. She added, “Why would I participate in my own lynching”?
“I have read the report and I intend to address each of the investigator’s findings within the next 36 hours”, said the Métis Leader. She said, “You can be assured there’s another side to this story, and I’m going to make sure you hear it.”
In the meantime, even though the Group of Nine has removed Ms. Morin Dal Col as President of MNBC, she said, “I will not waiver in my position of protecting our Métis Nation identity and that includes opposing the positions taken by MNBC, Métis Nation of Alberta and Métis Nation of Saskatchewan in supporting Métis Nation of Ontario allowing individuals to become Métis Citizens who do not meet our national definition.
The Métis Leader said, “The members of this Group of Nine have no idea what they have unleashed”.
For further information:
Contact President Clara Morin Dal Col
Email: cmdalcol@gmail.com